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Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to check if a goal pose of a planned path (planned in moveit with OMPL) is a valid pose, meaning that joint position constraints, collision, etc. are taken into consideration. A Python function like

bool check_if_pose_if_valid(joint_position)

would be great.

Thanks for your answers

Originally posted by nmelchert on ROS Answers with karma: 143 on 2018-09-10

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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The easiest way should be to use the StateValidationService of the move_group node, by calling the service /check_state_validity with this message. You will need the RobotState, which you can get from the /get_planning_scene service with this message.

In the definition of the StateValidationService, you also find a pretty good example of how to do the checks yourself, in case you want to avoid calling the service too often.

Originally posted by fvd with karma: 2180 on 2018-09-10

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 2

Original comments

Comment by nmelchert on 2018-09-11:
Thanks a lot for you answer. I will try to test the ''/check_state_validity'' service and mark this question as answered if it works for me.


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