I am trying resolve some issues i am having with some inverse kinematics.
the robot arm i am using has a camera at the end of it, at which an object is being tracked. I can from the the camera frame retrieve a position, relative to that that frame but how do i convert that position in that frame, to an robot state, that set all the joint in a manner that the camera keep the object at the center of the frame?...
-- My approach --
From my image analysis i retrieve a position of where the object i am tracking is positioned => (x,y) - coordinate.
I know at all the time the position (a) of the end tool by the T_base^tool - matrix, and from the image analysis i know the position (b) of the object relative to the camera frame for which i compute the difference as such c = b - a.
I then compute the image jacobian, given the C, the distance to the object and the focal length of the camera.
So... thats where i am at the moment.. I am not sure whether the position change retrieved from the cam frame will be seen as position of the tool point, at which the equation will become un undetermined as the length of the state vector would become 7 instead of 6.
The equation that i have must be $$J_{image}(q)dq = dp$$
- J_image(q)[2x6]: being the image jacobian of the robot at current state q
- dq[6x1]: wanted change in q-state
- dp[2x1]: computed positional change...
Solution would be found using linear least square.. but what i don't get is why the robot itself is not appearing the equation, which let me doubt my approach..