I am the moment trying to compute the transformation matrix for robot arm, that is made of 2 joints (serial robot arm), with which I am having some issues. L = 3, L1 = L2 = 2, and q = ($q_1$,$q_2$,$q_3$) = $(0 , \frac{-\Pi}{6},\frac{\Pi}{6})$
Based on this information I have to compute the forward kinematic, and calculate the position of each joint.
Problem here is though, how do I compute the angle around x,y,z.. for the transformation matrix. Using sin,cos,tan is of course possible, but what do their angle corresponds? which axis do they correspond to?
I tried using @SteveO answer to compute the $P_0^{tool}$ using the method he provided in his answer, but I somehow mess up something, as the value doesn't resemble the answer given in the example..