HI everyone, I have been trying to learn how to connect two ROS machines to the same master. I am using Linux in Virtual machine (VBox) , and raspbian jessie, and i want the master to run on the linux. what i did was both ROS are kinetic
when i run the linux, i do these steps:
1- hostname -I
i think the first one for the Virtual machine and the second id for the main OS with is MAC OS
2-export ROS_IP=
then i move to the raspbian jessie:
1- hostname -I 2601:1c:8601 ......etc <<very long address with letters and numbers
2-export ROS_MASTER_URI=
3-export ROS_IP=
each machine can ping itself, but when i ping the ROS on jessie from linux to seems to work and give me something like
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=63 time=39.868 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=9.677 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=38.659 ms
but when i ping the linux from jessie it does not work, it fails.
so does anyone know how to solve that?
*edit 1: when i try to run roscore on jessie it runs with master even though i assigned export
so it looks that it did not get it !?
*edit2: after running netcat i found out that the linux machine can see the raspbian but the raspbian can not see the linux
Originally posted by Mohammedism on ROS Answers with karma: 32 on 2018-01-28
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by jayess on 2018-01-28:\
it does not work, it fails
What does this mean? Also, being able to ping isn't sufficient. Check out http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/NetworkSetup#Further_check:_netcat
Comment by Mohammedism on 2018-01-28:
it means that it says something like:
3 packet transmitted , 0 received , 100% packet loss, time 1024 ms
Comment by jayess on 2018-01-28:
Are you setting the environment variables and running everything from the same terminal? Once you open a new terminal you have to set the environment variables all over again.
Comment by Mohammedism on 2018-01-28:
yes, i added them to the ~/.bashrc and i also set them manually in every terminal.
as i said some machine A sees B bug B does not see A or at least this is what i understood
is it possible the problem is that the linux in running in virtual machine?
Comment by jayess on 2018-01-28:
Yes, that does change things. Definitely update and retag your question indicating that you're using a virtual machine.
Comment by Mohammedism on 2018-01-28:
oh thanks for the notes, i will update it