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Hi everyone, I am new to ROS, i have used to for small projects but i still did not understand it very well. I have a Robot with raspberry pi on it( raspbian jessie ). i have installed ROS Kinetic and the ros_comm package. i followed this page http://wiki.ros.org/ROSberryPi/Installing%20ROS%20Kinetic%20on%20the%20Raspberry%20Pi and i will install the gmapping package. my question is, is that enough to run gmapping ? or do i have to install the ROS Desktop ? because from what i understood the ros_comm have no GUI tools. but i have seen people run SLAM on their computers and the rviz instead of running on the robot.

Sorry if i am missing major concept in ROS but i am learning, thank you

Originally posted by Mohammedism on ROS Answers with karma: 32 on 2018-01-15

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Map making composes of two main modules .

  1. Actual mapiing
  2. Localization

Mapping is straight forward if you have a Kinect like sensor (RGB-D) , publish the topics and feed it to gmapping module . The tricky part is that with the Odometry , odometry can be achieved vai a couple of ways

  • Encoders + IMU fusion (EKF based)
  • Visual Odometry (rtabmap , ORB-SLAM2...)

If you are lucky enough to have a 360degree lidar , you can use hector mapping (This is a slam algorithm which works without encoder feedback )

Originally posted by chrissunny94 with karma: 142 on 2018-01-16

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by Mohammedism on 2018-01-16:
thanks a lot for the help. yeah i actually happen to have put my hand on RPLIDAR A1.

i will try to look and understand how i can integrate everything together


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