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Hi, While the ROS tutorials page on catkin_workspace, I came across the CATKIN_IGNORE file present in the build folder contain in the catkin_ws. I want to know what does the CATKIN_IGNORE file do ?

Link- http://wiki.ros.org/catkin/workspaces#Source_Space

Originally posted by a443 on ROS Answers with karma: 19 on 2017-02-16

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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CATKIN_IGNORE is a bit underdocumented, but the tutorial you link actually seems to contain the answer to your question:

CATKIN_IGNORE         -- Keeps catkin from walking this directory

In other words: a CATKIN_IGNORE file in the build directory makes Catkin (ie: catkin_make, catkin_make_isolated, but also catkin from catkin_tools) ignore that specific directory.

This works for other directories as well.

Related REP: REP-128: Naming Conventions for Catkin Based Workspaces.

Related ROS Answers question: #q208180.

Originally posted by gvdhoorn with karma: 86574 on 2017-02-16

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by a443 on 2017-02-16:
Thanks gvdhoorn

Comment by jwhendy on 2017-07-07:
REP-128 shows this file in a workspace build/ dir (and with multiple pkgs shown in workspace_folder/src I took it to imply a meta-package or even ~/catkin_ws itself). I only got it to work in the top level of the package. In that sense, I found the existing documentation confusing.

Comment by jwhendy on 2017-07-07:
This answer resolved my confusion on what to do after trying a bunch of incantations of it in a catkin_ws/src/pkg/build location. Ultimately I just used ~/catkin_ws/src/pkg/CATKIN_IGNORE successfully.

Comment by gvdhoorn on 2017-07-07:
As I wrote: CATKIN_IGNORE is rather underdocumented. But from your issue on catkin_pkg I'm guessing this is sort-of resolved now.

Comment by gvdhoorn on 2017-07-07:
The question & answer you link to are the same as I linked to as being 'related'?


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