I'm using a turtlebot 2 with an ASUS XTION laser and I noticed that in RVIZ my laser is represented as being mounted on the back of the robot but in reality the laser is on the front of the robot. How do I change the transformation from base link to laser to adjust the coordinates of the laser frame? Do I have to write a custom tf publisher or is there a default setting somewhere that I can adjust?
EDIT: I tried running the static_transform publisher in command line using:
rosrun tf static_transform_publish 0.0 0.0 0.3966 0.0 0.0 0.0 /base_link /camera_rgb_frame 100
which seems to work except when looking at RVIZ, it seems like this transform is competing with another transform being published by either my amcl or gmapping node. How can I override the transform or choose which one to use in a launch file?
Originally posted by pgigioli on ROS Answers with karma: 354 on 2016-03-21
Post score: 1