I am following this tutorial here: https://pixhawk.org/dev/ros/ground_rover
I have sussessfully got this to work using the mavros in the past but I have since built mavros from source and now I am getting this error when I try to publish to the /mavros/actuator_control topic:
[ERROR] [1444603771.272545431]: Client [/mavros] wants topic /mavros/actuator_control to have datatype/md5sum [mavros_msgs/ActuatorControl/9eea0a80c88944fe2fb67f3b3768854b], but our version has [mavros/ActuatorControl/ba56d1663d64ac435b80a3508d6ce1d2]. Dropping connection.
Not sure how it is relevant but I can see there is a different folder structure with my workspace: ~/catkin_ws/src/mavros/mavros_msgs/msg/ActuatorControl.msg
Compared to this: /opt/ros/indigo/share/mavros/msg/ActuatorControl.msg
How can I resolve the issue?
Originally posted by K7 on ROS Answers with karma: 94 on 2015-10-11
Post score: 0