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I'm running ROS indigo on Ubuntu 14.04.1. I'm trying to use the camera1394stereo package with a Bumblebee2 to calibrate the camera. So far I have been able to git clone the most recent package (https://github.com/srv/camera1394stereo), build it, and roslaunch the stereo_camera_full.launch to get the correct topics to run camera_calibration. Unfortunately the calibration keeps failing in this case. I'm wondering if it's my manually built camera1394stereo node that's causing the failure. The problems I see are:

  1. When I source my workspace instead of the ROS indigo workspace to run camera1394stereo's node, the reconfigure node (i.e dynamic_reconfigure or rqt_reconfigure) is not available unless I get that too which seems unnecessary.
  2. I can "sudo apt-get install camera1394stereo" but there is no source, no executable nodes, and not as many launch files as the git repository.

What's wrong with my camera1394stereo by using "sudo apt-get install camera1394stereo"? Why does it not seem to be "complete"?

Originally posted by jeremya on ROS Answers with karma: 275 on 2015-10-02

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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2 . I can "sudo apt-get install camera1394stereo" but there is no source, no executable nodes, and not as many launch files as the git repository.

I don't really understand how this could've gone unnoticed for so long, but looking at the CMakeLists.txt of camera1394stereo (here), it seems it is missing the necessary install(..) statements.

This would cause the package to build fine on the farm, but no files would end up in the .deb that you install when you execute sudo apt-get install ... The jenkins log for the latest build seems to confirm this as well (search for Install the project): only files generated for dynamic_reconfigure and some other (meta data) files get installed, but no binaries or headers, as you observed.

I recommend you open an issue at the camera1394stereo issue tracker so the author / maintainer can fix this.

Originally posted by gvdhoorn with karma: 86574 on 2015-10-02

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by jeremya on 2015-10-02:
Thanks for the quick answer. Seems reasonable and I have opened an issue. Let's see what they say.

Comment by gvdhoorn on 2015-10-03:
In the meantime you could perhaps use the GAVLab/camera1394stereo fork, which does have install statements.

Comment by jeremya on 2015-10-05:
That's a good idea. I'll have to review the deltas.

Comment by Miquel Massot on 2015-10-28:
Hi! I'm the maintainer of camera1394stereo. There's a new release with the install targets, and the issue is now closed.


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