I am using moveit with spiri_simulator package. When I launch the file, I get the warning, "Controller Spawner couldn't find the expected controller_manager ROS interface". I cut the ros_control and gazebo_ros_pkgs and paste it back in the catkin workspace. Sometimes this solves the problem but at most times this does not solve the problem. I don't find this problem with controller_manager while using other simulators. What should I be doing?
Originally posted by boon on ROS Answers with karma: 111 on 2015-09-28
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by boon on 2015-10-01:
Creating a separate launch file for the node, 'controller_spawner' and launching it after the simulator and Rviz ( I was using for visualization) were launched, solved the problem. Was the node missing some information before, that it could not be launched?
Comment by Adolfo Rodriguez T on 2015-10-01:
The spawner only requests controller load and start actions. They are serviced by the controller_manager
. The error you are getting is telling you that the spawner did not find a running controller_manager
in its namespace to service its requests.