Want to start a executable within a launchfile which needs an argument (its note a node), normally i would launch that executable like this from the commandline:
setuart2 on
where "on" is the argument.
I've put the executable into a scriptfolder into the workspace and am starting it like that in the launchfile:
, seems that it is found through the launchfile, but i get the following error (what is clear, because the parameter "on" is missing:
killing on exit remote[robotOS.local-0]: /home/robot/ROS-Groovy-Workspace/src/base_controller/scripts/setuart2: either 'on' or 'off' argument is required
Now i've found no way to pass the parameter, tryed it throug parameters, but no success.
Can somebody help?
Thx a lot Fabian
Originally posted by fabian77 on ROS Answers with karma: 126 on 2015-07-10
Post score: 0