Hey guys,
Sry I can't find a good question name for this :(
I made the last days my first approach of my very first own package. So i looked up a little bit in the forum and found something I could use. I wanted to publish some laser data from my hokuyo laser. So not really publish I just want to print it on my console. Yesterday I made it to work, but today i started my pc and nothing worked so far. You can review the "package" here link to github.
As I said it my very first test but somehow if I let it run via eclipse nothing happens. The hokuyo itself works I can connect with it via rosrun urg_node urg_node _ip_address:=""
. I just cant figure out what happend maybe some problems in my structure or in my CMakeLists.txt or smth like this? maybe you can help me.
mkdir -p ~/new_hokuyo_test/src
cd ~/new_hokuyo_test/src/
catkin_init_workspace 3.* cd ..
cd src/
catkin_create_pkg hokuyo_test_pkg std_msgs roscpp rospy
cd ~/new_hokuyo_test/
Uncommented some stuff (like add executable etc) in CMakeLists.txt (see github)
catkin_make (just to test)
added hokuyo_test_pkg_node.cpp in src of hokuyo_test_pkg
catkin_make in ws directory
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun hokuyo_test_pkg hokuyo_test_pkg_node
Thats it basically
Edit2: The launch file
<node pkg="urg_node" type="urg_node" name="urg_node">
<param name="ip_address" value="" />
<node pkg="hokuyo_test_pkg" type="hokuyo_test_pkg_node" name="hokuyo_test_pkg_node" output="screen">
Thanks for helping me, I know these are really beginner questions but anyways I am struggling with it and really try by myself to solve it and dont (maybe looks like :) ) post it instantly here. So Thank you for great help here
Originally posted by schultza on ROS Answers with karma: 232 on 2015-02-25
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by gvdhoorn on 2015-02-26:
Please update your question description with the exact steps that you are using to build your workspace and run your node.
Comment by gvdhoorn on 2015-02-26:
Also: we normally only commit the package directory itself to a github repository, not the entire catkin workspace (and especially not the devel
directory). We can recreate the workspace and build it ourselves quite easily.