Hello All,
I am developing a ground station application for a mobile robot. I usually create the qt-ros package using catkin_create_qt_pkg. I recently updated to qtcreator 5.0.2 and qtquick 2. Since I want to use QML UI for the interface and c++ for the logic part. I changed my cmake to be able to use QT5. However i still get errors whenever I use any qtquick 2 library.
For example when I try to use qquickview to define a view:
QQuickView *view = new QQuickView();
I get this error: error: undefined reference to `QQuickView::QQuickView(QWindow*)'
My question is how can solve this ? And is it possible to use qt5/qml with cmake to develope GUI's for ROS applications.
Originally posted by AmiraJr on ROS Answers with karma: 28 on 2014-09-17
Post score: 0