I ve been following http://wiki.ros.org/android/Tutorials/hydro/Installation%20-%20Ros%20Development%20Environment.
after completing the rosjava tutorials i tried to install ros_android_core, since i am triing to build an app for my tablet.
when doing
wstool init -j4 ~/android/src https://raw.github.com/rosjava/rosjava/hydro/android_core.rosinstall
i get the error
Using initial elements from: https://raw.github.com/rosjava/rosjava/hydro/android_core.rosinstall
ERROR in config: Unable to download URL [https://raw.github.com/rosjava/rosjava/hydro/android_core.rosinstall]: <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known>
can someone help me
Originally posted by stefan on ROS Answers with karma: 15 on 2014-07-31
Post score: 0