Everything works well until the last part Testing Analyzer.
I have this error : FAILURE: Test node [diagnostic_aggregator/analyzer_loader] does not exist or is not executable. I can't understand my mistake. Thank you.
Edit 1 : I can't reopen this subject (I don't have enough point for) , but it seems that there is an issues in python, try to read the comment, Thank you
Originally posted by Moda on ROS Answers with karma: 133 on 2014-07-07
Post score: 2
Original comments
Comment by sai on 2014-07-07:
did you do rosmake --pre-clean <package_name> ?
Comment by Moda on 2014-07-07:
It doesn't work
I still have the same error
Comment by sai on 2014-07-07:
did you do rosdep install ? and then roscd takes you to the package..?
Comment by Moda on 2014-07-07:
roscd takes me to another folder : devel
So what is the issue?
Comment by sai on 2014-07-07:
roscd should take you to the package you are using
Comment by Moda on 2014-07-07:
So what can I do?
I have just deleted everythink and redo the tutorials but I still have the same error
Comment by sai on 2014-07-07:
I tried on my PC running ubuntu 12.04 and fuerte, rosrun diagnostic_aggregator anlyzer_loader runs some program and that means that the executable exists for me. I am not sure what is causing you the problem that the executable does not exist
Comment by Moda on 2014-07-07:
I am using groovy, does it change anythink?
Comment by sai on 2014-07-07:
I do not think so
Comment by Moda on 2014-07-07:
so what can I do?
Comment by sai on 2014-07-07:
may be provide more information on what the steps you followed and 'exactly' the error that you got and wait till any one else answers it.
Comment by Moda on 2014-07-08:
I created the .h and .cpp file, then i changed the CmakeList as it is said in the tutorial, I created the xml file and change the manifest.xml, and then i typed rosmake pr2_motors_analyzer and it says : Built 34 packages with 0 failures. (next just after)
Comment by Moda on 2014-07-08:
(Next) Then I typed rospack plugins --attrib=plugin diagnostic_aggregator and it says : pr2_motors_analyzer /home/lempereur/catkin_ws/src/pr2_motors_analyzer/pr2_motors_analyzer_plugin.xml
diagnostic_aggregator /opt/ros/groovy/share/diagnostic_aggregator/analyzer_plugins.xml (next just below)
Comment by Moda on 2014-07-08:
And then I created the yaml file and the launch file, and when i typed the rostest command the error appears.
So can someone help me please