I've got a couple Vex 269 Motors hooked up to an Arduino Duemilanove. These motors run a some Vex Tank Treads. I powered the whole setup with an off-brand 9-volt battery. Everything seems to run great, except that it is only able to run for about 30 seconds worth of motor movement. Then the battery quickly isn't able to pump out the energy needed to move the treads and the whole thing quickly slows to being unusable.
What's my problem here? The tank treads seem loose enough that I don't think they're so restricting the motor has to pump out too much energy to move them. There's nothing else being powered except the Arduino and the motors. Is it because this Enercell 9-volt (alkaline) is just a terrible battery choice? Should I only expect that long of battery life for this robot on a 9-volt? Or is there something else I'm missing? Thank you much!