turtlebot_teleop not working with Logitech joystick
Logitech joystick connected roslaunch turtlebot_teleop logitech.launch rostopic echo /joy
Does not change when I move the joystick. Any missing step?
Originally posted by pnambiar on ROS Answers with karma: 120 on 2014-06-05
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by Ken_in_JAPAN on 2014-06-05:
Hi @pnambiar, I think you need to execute some command like a playstation3 on the web( http://ros.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/roswiki/turtlebot_teleop%282f%29Tutorials%282f%29PS3%2820%29Joystick%2820%29Teleop.html ).
Comment by Ken_in_JAPAN on 2014-06-05:
Is your joystick connected with workstation? I think joystick is used instead of keyboard, because you need kind of like driver to communicate with your turtlebot. I have moved a turtlebot with PS3joystick.
Comment by Ken_in_JAPAN on 2014-06-06:
@pnambiar, Could you tell me more detailed information about your using joystick? I think there is a few information on ROS tutorial too. Does your joystick have either a USB cable or USB wireless? I think it doesn't have a bluetooth.
Comment by Ken_in_JAPAN on 2014-06-09:
@pnambiar, I think you should write your answer. Please inform all of your solution.