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I've been working with some Kinects in Rviz and recently found the ability to use static_transform_publisher to create the necessary transforms between pointclouds so that it will allow me to display multiple point clouds at once. Since camera_pose_calibration doesn't work in Hydro, I'm going to try to align them manually as a first step. However, I was wondering if there was a way to rotate/translate point clouds in Rviz itself that I may have missed.

Originally posted by Athoesen on ROS Answers with karma: 429 on 2014-02-20

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by mrtpk on 2018-10-18:
Did you solve it?


1 Answer 1


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I don't think this functionality is there out of the box. It might be easily implemented with interactive markers as a small node providing a 6DoF marker that directly controls a tf transform. This seems like an obvious little tool, so maybe you are in luck and someone has hacked together such a utility already.

Edit: Another idea would be hijacking the joint_state_publisher [1] GUI by writing a small URDF file with a joint between your cameras (possible a floating joint, but I dont know how the joint_state_publisher GUI handles these. Use this in combination with robot_state_publisher to get the /tf transforms.

[1] http://wiki.ros.org/joint_state_publisher

Originally posted by demmeln with karma: 4306 on 2014-02-20

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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