Hello dear ROS-community!
I am currently struggeling with the setup of "CMakeLists.txt" and "package.xml" of two selfmade catkin packages. To my eyes it does not seem to be a very complicated situation, but somehow I am not able to make it work...
Here is the situation: Package A builds a c++ library, Package B uses and links against this library.
From my understanding, the CMakeLists.txt of Package A should therefore look something like this:
CMakeLists.txt Package A:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)
find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
LIBRARIES libmylibrary.so
CATKIN_DEPENDS roscpp rospy
# DEPENDS system_lib
Package.xml Package A:
<description>The A package</description>
<maintainer email="[email protected]">foobar</maintainer>
So now here comes package B, which needs the library of Package A:
CMakeLists.txt Package B:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)
find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
# INCLUDE_DIRS include
# LIBRARIES libmylibrary.so
# DEPENDS system_lib
Package.xml Package B:
<description>The B package</description>
<maintainer email="[email protected]">foobar</maintainer>
In this configuration, it is not possible to run "catkin_make", it will stop with the following error:
Project 'Package_B' tried to find library 'libmylibrary.so'. The library is neither a target nor built/installed properly. Did you compile project 'Package_A'?
Why doesn't catkin see the dependency and build the library first, so that the other package can find it?
My only workaround at the moment is to remove the dependencies, build the library stand-alone, put the dependency back in and then build the rest. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for your answers
Originally posted by psei on ROS Answers with karma: 318 on 2014-02-18
Post score: 2
Original comments
Comment by gvdhoorn on 2014-02-18:
Is this copy-paste from your actual CMakeLists.txt? Cause there is no add_library() statement in Package_A's CMakeLists.txt, so no library would be ever build?
Comment by psei on 2014-02-18:
Yes, it is copy-paste from my CMakeLists, but I think "add_library()" is not necessary. See my solution below, I needed to change the name of the library, so CMake can identify it as a target.
Comment by Dirk Thomas on 2014-02-18:
add_library is definitely necessary. That is the CMake command to create a library target.
Comment by psei on 2014-02-18:
Yeah I see that now, i misunderstood the first comment of gvdhoorn.... Of course add_library() is needed. What I posted is not the complete makefile, just the parts where the catkin dependencies are configured. Building at all was not my problem, but making those packages build together didn't work.