Hello professors, I am so confused about the tutorial of catkin which told us that we should type the command: source /opt/ros/groovy/setup.bash every time.... I have no idea. because before I type this command, my workspace is under home directory which is /home/username/workspace, but when I type this command and then I type the 'roscd', the path turned to /opt/ros/groovy/.. so my question is where should I create my package? Does that mean every time when I want to create package I should source first? I' so confused about this.. cause when I try to create package and run it, there always be showing some error which told me that command not found....I just follow the tutorials....
Thanks so much for your instruction.
Originally posted by saina110 on ROS Answers with karma: 107 on 2014-01-29
Post score: 0