while I want to record kinect data, using
rosbag record camera/depth_registered/image_raw camera/depth_registered/camera_info camera/rgb/image_raw camera/rgb/camera_info --limit=60 -O kinect
The terminal shows that
[ERROR] [1383809202.109712616]: Less than 1GB of space free on disk with kinect.bag.active. Disabling recording.
[ WARN] [1383809202.622705490]: Not logging message because logging disabled. Most likely cause is a full disk.
Why is it? I check my File Systems under System monitor
Device Directory type Total Free Available Used
/dev/sda7 /host fuseblk 97.4GiB 57.6Gib 57.6GiB 39.8GiB 40%
/dev/loop0 / ext3 5.4GiB 482.0MiB 482.0MiB 5.0GiB 92%
How could I fix it?
'rosbag record' directly creats the kinect.bag under 'Home' of Ubuntu, I don't know how to change the location. The location is also shown in the 'kinect.bag properties' window with 'Location: /root'. And when I try
rosbag info kinect.bag
It shows that
path: kinect.bag
version: 2.0
size: 4.0 KB
Is there any command to change the kinect.bag location?
To be summarized, it implies that the disk space is not enough. how can I change the location of the recorded kinect.bag file into a larger disk location?
I try
rosparam set use_sim_time true
and then run rviz and then
rosbag play kinect.bag --clock
But cant visualize the data. And what is '--limit=60' means? And now I just only record only 2 seconds, how to make it longer? Thank you!
[edit 2]
I tried
rosbag record camera/depth_registered/image camera/depth_registered/camera_info camera/rgb/image_color camera/rgb/camera_info -O /media/8676FBBC76FBAB57/ kinect
slightly different from the above one by changing image_raw to image.
And I run rosbag record and it started to record but then gave this
[ WARN] [1383921498.365058698]: rosbag record buffer exceeded. Dropping oldest queued message.
Now I cant see new kinect.bag file in the directory. It is the old one. I have set false. Why is it?
[edit 3]
I followed the play back data tutorial http://wiki.ros.org/openni_launch/Tutorials/BagRecordingPlayback
Found that ROS time in rviz is the same as the running play back bag time in the terminal. But there was nothing shown in the rviz. So either I did not record anything or I used a wrong topic. I checked the recorded file, it is 276.5 MB. So I could use a wrong topic to show it?
Originally posted by Battery on ROS Answers with karma: 25 on 2013-11-06
Post score: 1