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Hi All. I'm trying to setup and run Viso2 node in ros fuerte. I have a problem related to a sync warning in gscam, so I asked this question:http://answers.ros.org/question/84611/synchronized-problem-related-to-calibration/

When I updated the code version of GSCAM, I could see the rectify image when I used the image_view node.

But my problem now is when I tried to Subscribed that topic (Image_rect) to Viso2 node, It show again the sync msg (warning message), this following message:

[WARN] [1381282007.181977693]: [ image_transport] Topics '/Dava/image_rect_color' and '/Dava/camera_info' do not appear to be synchronized. In the last 10s:

Image messages received:      100

CameraInfo messages received: 0

Synchronized pairs:           0

And when I used the command "rostop echo /mono_odometer/info" I don't see anything.

So I don't know if the problem is with my viso2 configuration or is a problem with GSCAM.

I attached the output, my camera calibration info (From rostopic echo) and rxgraph output. And you can download my lauch file in this link (): https://mega.co.nz/#!W9pkkD5Q!NcRUbm0drgoKXXoli6rHDGUKEHBebpktfsO4Wd2tDas

I will appreciate any respond . Thank


rostopic echo camera info.png


Originally posted by Dava2788 on ROS Answers with karma: 60 on 2013-10-08

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Please make sure your remappings are setup right. From your rxgraph output it looks like the mono_odometer is only subscribed to the image_rect topic and not to the camera_info topic.

Using rosnode info mono_odometer you can have a quick look at the topic connections.

image_proc is designed to run in the camera's namespace:

<node pkg="image_proc" type="image_proc" name="image_proc" ns="/Dava/camera" />

This way you have all camera-related topics together:


Hope that helps!

Originally posted by Stephan with karma: 1924 on 2013-10-08

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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