I'm trying to install fuerte from source but it seems like http://packages.ros.org/cgi-bin/gen_rosinstall.py is not found any longer. Is this a temporary issue and to be resolved soon or is installation of fuerte (and older versions) from source using the online rosinstall generation script not supported any longer? If it's the latter, is there any other source that provides a rosinstall file for the different install variants (desktop, desktop-full, etc.)?
Thanks, Thomas
Originally posted by ThomasK on ROS Answers with karma: 360 on 2013-09-23
Post score: 2
Original comments
Comment by Michael Beardsworth on 2013-10-06:
Have you had any success with this? I'm running into the same issue. It looks like rosinstall_generator (which seems to be intended to replace this functionality) doesn't support fuerte.
Comment by ThomasK on 2013-10-06:
I haven't come across a solution / workaround yet. All documentation related to fuerte source install and gen_rosinstall.py seems to state that pre-groovy the gen_rosinstall.py is to be used, but it seems like the gen_rosinstall.py script disappeared without providing an alternative.
Comment by Michael Beardsworth on 2013-10-06:
It looks like the source for the gen_rosinstall.py tool is here:
I'll start hunting for the database it needs.