I am using the Bumblebee to perform visual Slam just by remapping the RGBD SLAM package to take data from the stereo camera instead of the Kinect. The results that i got are not as good as the ones that i have with the Kinect. When i come back to a region that i already scanned, the superposition of the pointclouds is not perfect. I am acquiring data at 5Hz from the Bumblebee. Can this be a problem of Frequency ? What is the optimal frequency to work with the RGBDSLAM package ? is it 30 fps ?
My Raw poinclouds : http://youtu.be/Q2XjwYp_lv0
RGBDSLAM : http://youtu.be/xYnkozAjO9E
Do you guys have ant idea to enhance these results ?
Thank you
Originally posted by INSA on ROS Answers with karma: 112 on 2013-05-13
Post score: 2