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I am using the Bumblebee to perform visual Slam just by remapping the RGBD SLAM package to take data from the stereo camera instead of the Kinect. The results that i got are not as good as the ones that i have with the Kinect. When i come back to a region that i already scanned, the superposition of the pointclouds is not perfect. I am acquiring data at 5Hz from the Bumblebee. Can this be a problem of Frequency ? What is the optimal frequency to work with the RGBDSLAM package ? is it 30 fps ?

My Raw poinclouds : http://youtu.be/Q2XjwYp_lv0

RGBDSLAM : http://youtu.be/xYnkozAjO9E

Do you guys have ant idea to enhance these results ?

Thank you

Originally posted by INSA on ROS Answers with karma: 112 on 2013-05-13

Post score: 2


1 Answer 1


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I have seen your video, maybe your Bumblebee have not been calibrated correctly, because your depth image was incorrect, please calibrate your sensor then run RGBDSLAM

Originally posted by bluking with karma: 31 on 2016-12-29

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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