Can someone explain me how the local_planner receive the goal coordinates?
Originally posted by camilla on ROS Answers with karma: 255 on 2013-04-26
Post score: 1
Can someone explain me how the local_planner receive the goal coordinates?
Originally posted by camilla on ROS Answers with karma: 255 on 2013-04-26
Post score: 1
Algorithm of local planner is based on global plan (is not based on the goal).
There is method in 'TrajectoryPlannerROS' class:
bool TrajectoryPlannerROS::setPlan(const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& orig_global_plan)
Originally posted by Alexandr Buyval with karma: 641 on 2013-04-29
This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site
Post score: 0
Comment by RB on 2015-01-21:
Can I change this and make the local planner to follow my own trajectory?