Make sure you running turtlesim_node
running, in order for necessary topics (/turtle1/pose/
in this case) to be published.
Btw however, I haven't been able either to specify topic x:y
as an argument from commandline. You can work it around by giving the topic name on GUI's designated field.
Using ros-fuerte-rqt amd64 0.1.6-s1360620793~precise
Originally posted by 130s with karma: 10937 on 2013-03-26
This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by Michele Palmia on 2013-05-16:
I had the same problem and was not able to specify a topic from command line. Shouldn't this be changed in the tutorial?
Comment by 130s on 2013-05-16:
I opened an enhancement request. If you/someone could volunteer to modify the wiki I would appreciate it (right now I have no time to work on that).
Comment by Michele Palmia on 2013-05-17:
I edited the wiki to reflect the actual use of the tool.
Comment by 130s on 2013-05-17:
@Michele Palmia great!
Comment by TommyP on 2013-05-27:
In groovy it works perfectly well to plot a pose with "rosrun rqt_plot rqt_plot /uav/0/pose/pose/position/x:y:z". So what exactly is not working?
Comment by 130s on 2013-05-28:
@TommyP what does this command return dpkg -p ros-groovy-rqt-plot
Comment by TommyP on 2013-05-28:
Version: 0.2.16-0precise-20130419-1956-+0000
Comment by 130s on 2013-08-07:
@TommyP make sure the name of the topic is exactly the full name that's published. In your case do you see /uav/0/pose/pose/position
is published (check by rostopic list
Comment by miloup on 2014-03-26:
I have the same problem. The plot window pops-up but no plot. My turtle keeps turning around... it is about to pass out, LOL I'm using the hydro version and unfortunately I couldn't figure out what the answer says. Please help!!