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Is it possible to move the sick LMS1xx package into the the laser driver stack? ros.org/wiki/LMS1xx


  • contains packages for the hokuyo lasers and packages for sick lms2xx because i noticed some people think that ROS did not support sick lms1xx

this person did not find the lms1xx driver until he made his own answers.ros.org/question/29926/made-driver-for-lms151-what-should-i-do-next/

this is where i found the LMS1xx package ros.org/wiki/Sensors

Also I am considering buying a SICK LMS111 for a university project. I am wondering weather the SICK LMS1xx ros node is stable and works for the SICK LMS111?

I noticed in the wiki there is very little documentation (in comparison to the other drivers)

Originally posted by Sentinal_Bias on ROS Answers with karma: 418 on 2013-02-06

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Hi, the question may be old but I'm facing the same problem. I grabbed the lms1xx package at https://github.com/RCPRG-ros-pkg/RCPRG_laser_drivers The package is good for Hydro.

It works well.

The problem is still the lack of documentation. And the code seems good only for Ethernet connection, non serial.

Originally posted by mpp with karma: 16 on 2013-11-18

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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