Following, Felix's answer for this question(, I tried to generate a 2d map from octomap for localization.
As explained in that answer, I wrote a node to listen the output of the node 'rgbdslam'. This node uses the passthrough filter from pcl library to take a slice of the 3d point cloud. I used the same parameters in the launch file octomap_server.launch from rgbdslam package. I can view the required point clouds in pcd viewer, i.e) thin slice of the 3d octomap. While, I try to save it as a map using nodes octomap_server and saver, it shows only single point as a map.
While trying to find the problem, I note that the point cloud which is send as input to the octomap_server is an unorganized point cloud. I think this might be a problem.
If so, Is there any idea to convert unorganized point cloud to orgainized point cloud or any other solution for this problem?
Thanks in advance for your suggesstions.
UPDATED: While, running the normal rgbdslam algorithm as described in ( After doing $roslaunch rgbdslam octomap_server.launch, I opened rviz and viewed the topic '/octomap_point_cloud_centers'. In rviz, I could view the complete point cloud whatever I see in the rgbdslam GUI. But, While try to view those point clouds after the 'new_node' (node which I wrote), I could able to view only the initial sliced part of the point cloud. I think this is due to the high frequency publishing of a topic 'rgbdslam/batch_clouds'.
Any solutions for this problem?
Originally posted by Sudhan on ROS Answers with karma: 171 on 2012-10-23
Post score: 0