Hi, I'm debugging and trying to run a launch file in vision_visp stack which is tutorial.launch
<node pkg="visp_tracker" type="client" name="tracker_mbt_client">
<param name="model_path" value="package://visp_tracker/models" />
<param name="model_name" value="laas-box" />
in parameter "model_path" value is "package://something" -> what's this syntax?? I've replaced with the full path but still didn't work
I believe this is the problem, because from the output:
process[tf_localization-6]: started with pid [18717]
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): Failed to load the model /home/airlab/SONLE/stacks/vision_visp/visp_tracker/models/laas-box/laas-box.wrl
Do you use resource_retriever syntax?
I.e. replace /my/model/path by file:///my/model/path
I've already fixed one bug in this launch file
<node pkg="rosbag" type="rosbag" name="rosbag" args="play --clock -l
$(find visp_tracker)/bag/tutorial-static-box.bag"/>
where type="rosbag" is not correct, there's no rosbag executable in the package but "play" => changed to:
<node pkg="rosbag" type="play" name="rosbag_routine" args=" --clock -l
$(find visp_tracker)/bag/tutorial-static-box.bag"/>
Originally posted by roskidos on ROS Answers with karma: 110 on 2012-10-19
Post score: 1