As specified on the openni_launch web page, I have been recording live Kinect data by recording the following 4 topics with rosbag record
To generate registered pcl::PointXYZRGB point cloud topics from this bag file, I have been playing the bag file at the same time as:
roslaunch openni_launch _load_driver:=false
I now need to read the bag file in my source code using the rosbag python API. However, I do not know how to produce the registered pcl::PointXYZRGB point cloud from these recorded topics in code. Is there a library function that takes in these 5 image topics and outputs the registered pcl::PointXYZRGB point cloud?
Many Thanks
Originally posted by Arrakis on ROS Answers with karma: 163 on 2012-09-11
Post score: 2