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Hi, In electric the problem that some nodes publish or subscribe turtlebot_node/cmd_vel or cmd_vel is supposed to be solved, but when I do sudo service turtlebot start the turtlebot node keeps listening to turtlebot_node/cmd_vel instead of cmd_vel. I've been reeding the code but I can't see where's the problem, there's no remap and where the listener is defined it doesn't have ~ in front, so it's supposed to listen to cmd_vel. Actually, if I ran a roscore and then rosrun turtlebot_node turtlebto_node.py it listens to the correct node. How can I fix it?


Originally posted by apalomer on ROS Answers with karma: 318 on 2011-11-23

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by mmwise on 2011-11-26:
did you update your bashrc, are you actually running the electric code or are you still running diamondback. Try env | grep ROS to see what path you are actually running from.


1 Answer 1


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It sounds like your upstart scripts probably haven't been upgraded from diamondback to Electric. I suggest doing the following:

roscd turtlebot_bringup/upstart
sudo ./install.bash <iface>

where is the name of your ethernet interface (usually wlan0 on most turtlebots).

Originally posted by fergs with karma: 13902 on 2012-02-20

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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