I have created plugins for IR Sensor and Sonar Sensor. I want to create a package for both so that it can be tested on other computer and then submitted to ROS. Further i would like to mention here that i have created Sonar Sensor (IRSensor and its controller are already present in gazebo) by the name of SonarSensor and its controller named "sonar_array" as well. I have also done some changes to files called MultiRayShape and gz.h( i have added sonarIface in the gz.h). Similarly xacro files are also created for IRSensor and Sonar Sensor.
I would like to know how to create package for sonar sensor, IRSensor plugin and SonarSensor plugin. Any Help in this regard will be appreciated.
Regards, Saeed Anwar
Originally posted by SAK on ROS Answers with karma: 94 on 2011-09-04
Post score: 1