I want to collect a bag file to compare different SLAM algorithms and parameters on my mobile base. What topics should I record?
Originally posted by tfoote on ROS Answers with karma: 58457 on 2011-02-28
Post score: 3
I want to collect a bag file to compare different SLAM algorithms and parameters on my mobile base. What topics should I record?
Originally posted by tfoote on ROS Answers with karma: 58457 on 2011-02-28
Post score: 3
For gmapping or karto, you need transform data and laser scan data. So you should record /tf and the topic with your laser data, which is often /scan. Note that the laser scans should be from a fixed, horizontally mounted laser. On some robots (e.g., the PR2), this data is on the topic /base_scan.
It's easier if you don't run a SLAM or localization system (or anything else that estimates the map->odom transform) while you record the data. Otherwise you'll have to filter out that data from the bag (how to do that is another question).
Originally posted by Brian Gerkey with karma: 2916 on 2011-02-28
This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site
Post score: 1
Comment by kwc on 2011-02-28:
There is also this tutorial that covers the full process: http://www.ros.org/wiki/slam_gmapping/Tutorials/MappingFromLoggedData#record