I tried to modify a urdf file of a robot from humble to work with jazzy. Unfortunately the joints are not rendered in rviz anymore. I tried another example with the same result.
In rviz I get following error: No transform from [roll_front_left] to [base_footprint]
I have no problems in gazebo harmonic. There the robot is fine and I can control it with teleop_twist_keyboard.
I use the basic launch file from nav2_minimal_tb4_simulation simulation.launch.py
<joint name="wheel_front_left_joint" type="continuous">
<origin xyz="-0.0 0.02 -0.040" rpy="0.0 1.57 0.0"/>
<parent link="roll_front_left"/>
<child link="wheel_front_left"/>
<axis xyz="0.0 0.0 1.0"/>