I am trying to understand ORB-SLAM3 paper. It gives visual residual / reprojectio error equation as follows:
$$r_{ij}=u_{ij}-\prod(T_{CB}T^{-1}_i\oplus x_j)$$ where,
- $r_{ij}$ is reprojection error between frame $i$ and 3D point $j$ at point $x_j$
- $\prod:\mathbb{R}^3\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^n$ is the projecion function for the corresponding camera model
- $u_{ij}$ is the obeservaton of point $j$ at image $i$ having a covariance matrix $\sum_{ij}$
- $T_{CB}\in SE(3)$ stands for the rigid transformation from body-IMU to camera, known from caliberation
- $\oplus$ is the transformation operation of $SE(3)$ group over $\mathbb{R}^3$ elements
I am unable to build visual intuition of whats going on here from this description. After some pondering, I came up with following description for each term with corresponding frame conversions.
$T_{CB}$ defines how the camera is positioned and oriented with respect to the body or vehicle on which it is mounted. $$\text{Camera frame}\rightarrow \text{IMU body frame}$$
$T_i^{-1}$ is the inverse tranformation matrix for the camera pose at time $i$. $T_i$ is a camera's pose in camera frame transformed from world frame. $T_i^{−1}$ effectively undoes this transformation, effectively transforming camera pose from camera frame back to the world frame before projection function can project it to image frame. $$\text{Camera frame} \rightarrow \text{World frame}$$
$x_j$ represents a point in the 3D global or world frame. It is obtained in the $\text{World frame}$.
$\oplus$ combines two poses. Here both of its operands ($T_{CB}T^{-1}_i$ and $x_j$) are in the world frame. $$\text{World frame}\rightarrow \text{World frame}$$
$\prod$ is a projection function. It maps first maps 3D point $x_j$ from world frame to the camera frame and then projecting it onto image frame. $$\text{World frame}\rightarrow\text{Camera frame}\rightarrow\text{Image frame}$$
$u_{ij}$ is the observed image coordinates, typically measured in the camera frame. To compare them to the projected coordianates , they are tranformed to the image frame. $$\text{World frame}\rightarrow\text{Camera frame}\rightarrow\text{Image frame}$$
$r_{ij}$ is a reprojection error in image frame. The reprojection error represents the discrepancy between the observed image coordinates $u_{ij}$ and the projected image coordinates $\prod(…)$, both of which are expressed in the image frame.
Q1. What exactly $T_{CB}T^{-1}_i$ does "intuitively / visually"? I thought it should be doing $$\text{Body frame}\rightarrow\text{Camera frame}\rightarrow\text{World frame}$$, so that it can be then combined with $x_j$ (which is in $\text{World frame}$) by $\oplus$. But $T_{CB}$ is $$\text{Camera frame}\rightarrow \text{IMU body frame}$$ and not $$\text{IMU Body frame}\rightarrow\text{Camera frame}$$. Well, I am confused here! Can someone help me with this?
Q2. To be honest, I really dont fully get what $\oplus$ does exactly "intuitively / visually". So, point 4 can be very well wrong above. Can someone please explain what it does "intuitively / visually"?