I am working on this project that involves using the Kinect for XBOX 360S with ROS.
I did all the steps mentioned in the ROS Tutorials to have Openni Installed and the Prime sense and other drivers. and when i go to Openni samples i see a output. But in ROS i do a roscore and in another terminal do a roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch. And it loads with the regular calibration warnings and service already registered errors. Then in another terminal i open Rviz which gives a error /.rviz/display_config does not exist. And even though i accept the error and go ahead i see a black window which shows no output ,even if i do all tasks mentioned at the RVIZ Tutorials. Also i tried running "rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/rgb/image_color" and it shows up a blank window with no output. How do i resolve this and get ros to show my kinect data??
I need to run RGBDSLAM and use this kinect later.
I am on Ubuntu 12.04 and ROS-Fuerte.
Well when i launch the openni.launch it starts as usual except for the errors ¨Tried to advertise a service that is already advertised in this node.
And when i run a rostopic it just says subscribed to the /camera/depth_registered/points and cursor keeps blinking. Even subscribing to the rectified topics just says subscribed and nothing more happens.