Questions tagged [logic-control]

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2 answers

Where is the preffered position to put a simple control loop in a ROS2 Node (C++) for obstacle avoidance

I am working on a turtlebot simulation with ROS2, and I would like the robot to stop when it hits a wall. Where is the proper place to implement simple logic (for example, if distance < 10 then ...
p1unge's user avatar
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What components and valves do you need for this pneumatic system of 4 actuators powered by commands and distributed in 2 lines?

I was designing a pneumatic system, fed by a compressor (Tank = 6 liters, Pmax = 8 bar, Motor power = 1.5 HP, Flow = 180 l/min), and consisting of its FRL, some hoses for the ducts 4 mm standard ...
Matias Nicolas Rodriguez's user avatar
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2 answers

High derivative gain in PD control

Why does high derivative gain in PD control results in motor noise or chatter? The graph that I see on MATLAB simulation is smooth enough, so following that it should not make noise..
Tejal Barnwal's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is there a more accurate feedback loop with less overshoot or disturbances than PID?

So I was starting a robotics project and turns out that PID hasn't served very well in the past. So I was wondering if there was another feedback loop mechanism which has less overshoot and is more ...
Aditya Mangalampalli's user avatar
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1 answer

Machine Learning or Deep Learning libraries used in Robotics with FPGAs?

Question here opened the discussion on FPGAs on robotics applications. I would like to teach a LSTM RNN/CNN on border detection and feature detection on FPGA. Feature detection methods I would like to ...
hhh's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Quadrocopter PID

I am building a quadcopter for my school project. I am trying to program my own flight controller using PID algorithm. I'll try to make my question simple using as an example below only two motors <...
user5309974's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

MPU-6050 + Arduino nano - Logic converter or not? [closed]

I bought this MPU-6050: link According to the manufacture site, the sensor logic level is 3.3V (though the ebay page says Power supply :3-5v) Should I use a 4 ...
Dan Barzilay's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

When should FPGAs be used in Robotics?

FPGA has good points such as a lot of IO points but then again you need to think things on very low level with flip-flops and pioneer on areas where things are not yet mature -- for example see this ...
hhh's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Robot Serial Communication Error

We are using a Koro robot for our PC based automation solution. But sometimes the robot is getting the command but refuses to respond. Then I get a serial communication timeout error. The error is ...
Jaggi's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Using an Arduino to control an ON / OFF connection between two pins

I've got this driver: ... a A4988 stepper motor driver carrier I'm attempting to control a connection between the RESET and SLEEP pins with logic ( code ) ...
carl crott's user avatar